A thriving tech startup ecosystem provides a great opportunity to grow jobs and economic stability across North Carolina. NC TECH is committed to supporting tech startups as they launch and grow in North Carolina. NC TECH serves as a resource by providing tech startups with an executive peer network (TECH CEO Network), recognition opportunities, helpful content, and informative webinars as well as connections with supporters and others who may be of assistance to the startup(s).
NC TECH startups are North Carolina headquartered tech companies, founded within the past 4 years and with 20 or fewer employees. View NC TECH Startup Members:
NC TECH for STARTUPS is a special initiative to support tech startups with targeted benefits around visibility, peer interaction, information referral, and connections. We recognize that while entrepreneurs are often limited on funds, you need support for your company to grow. NC TECH for STARTUPS members receive the benefits of membership, plus added perks tailored to help you grow your business.
NC TECH will work to help you gain visibility through our communication channels by featuring your company on our blog, tweeting your news to our followers, and sharing special announcements in our monthly newsletter.
NC TECH will list your company in our online directory, options for recognition through awards programs, and opportunities to feature experts in interviews, speaking and writing guest columns.
NC TECH provides in person and virtual venues for you to network with peers. Through programming there a variety of ways to connect with leaders, mentors, and potential customers.
Tech Startups are eligible for a discounted membership rate of $250 annually. You must meet the following criteria:
Tech Startups may renew their membership at the discounted rate until they no longer meet the criteria listed above.
For more information about NC TECH for Startups, reach out to Michelle Calton.