Women Leading in Tech: Trish Halley
In the lead-up to the Summit for Women in Tech, we're sharing Women Leading in Tech Executive Spotlights across our blog, social media channels, and newsletters. These spotlights are designed to highlight and celebrate the achievements of female tech leaders from our state, providing them with a platform to share their stories and insights. Stay tuned to meet the trailblazers who are shaping the future of technology!
Provide a brief description of your current role:
I am the Vice President of Cloud and Information Services at SAS, where I lead the Global Employee Technologies team. My role involves enhancing the employee experience and enabling workforce productivity through innovative technologies and processes. I am also spearheading SAS’ digital workplace transformation with the strategic use of GenAI to revolutionize business process automation.
Who and/or what influenced you most in pursuing a career in technology?:
My passion for technology was ignited by my early exposure to computer science during my studies at James Madison University. The support and encouragement from my professors and mentors, combined with my innate curiosity and love for problem-solving, played a significant role in shaping my career path.
If you could describe your greatest professional success/accomplishment in just one sentence, what would you say?:
My greatest professional success has been developing strong, self-directing teams that drive innovation and significantly advance our organizational goals through trust, empowerment, and continuous learning.
If you could switch roles with one other person for a week, who would choose and why?:
I would choose to switch roles with Sheryl Sandberg, former COO of Facebook, to gain insights into her leadership style and strategies for driving growth and innovation in a fast-paced tech environment.
What are some things that your company or organization is doing to grow and support women in the tech workforce?:
SAS is committed to fostering diversity and inclusion by offering mentorship programs, leadership development workshops, and networking opportunities specifically designed for women in tech. We have program called Womens Initiative Network (WIN) whose mission is to inspire, encourage and empower women through networking, career development and community service; and to help members achieve personal satisfaction and professional excellence while reaching into communities to empower women and inspire students to pursue STEM-related careers
We also have initiatives to support work-life balance and career advancement for women at all stages of their careers.
NC TECH hosts an annual Summit for Women in Tech gathering women from all parts of the state and in all stages of their careers. How are you involved? What are your favorite aspects of this event? Why is an event like this important for women to attend?:
I am actively involved in the NC TECH Summit for Women in Tech as a sponsor, member of the program committee and will be an attendee. My favorite aspects of the event are the inspiring keynote sessions and the opportunity to network with other women in the industry. This event is crucial for women to attend as it provides a platform for learning, sharing experiences, and building a supportive community.
What book(s) would you recommend as a must-read and why?:
One of my favorite leadership books is "Reality-Based Leadership" by Cy Wakeman. This is a valuable book for leaders because it emphasizes personal accountability, provides practical tools for reducing workplace drama, and promotes a focus on reality and facts. It empowers leaders to create a more engaged and productive workforce by challenging traditional leadership philosophies and offering innovative approaches to leadership in today's dynamic business environment.
What is your favorite way to spend a day off?:
My favorite way to spend a day off is to spend the day with my 2 1/2 year old Grandson. And if he and I can work in the garden, that's even better.
What is your favorite quote?:
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” — Mahatma Gandhi
Thank you, Trish, for being on the Host Committee for the Summit for Women in Tech! Learn more about the event here.
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