Tuesday, February 25, 2025
5:30 – 7:00 pm
North Carolina Executive Mansion
200 N. Blount Street
Raleigh, NC 27601
Over the past 32 years, the technology industry, North Carolina’s tech sector, and our organization have seen unprecedented change through innovation and phenomenal growth. NC TECH will celebrate its 32nd anniversary during this special invite-only reception at the Governor’s Mansion as part of our ongoing effort to engage tech leaders with each other and with elected officials.
Invitees include NC TECH leadership, North Carolina tech CEOs, and Site Leaders along with representatives from the Host Sponsors and Annual Investors.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
5:30 – 7:00 pm
North Carolina Executive Mansion
200 N. Blount Street
Raleigh, NC 27601
This event is invitation only and space is limited.
Invited guests include NC TECH Leadership (Board of Directors + Board of Advisors), Annual Investors, NC Headquartered Tech CEOs, and Host Sponsors.
Host Sponsorship ($2,500) - Logo recognition on event materials + signage, verbal acknowledgment during the reception, and two reception registrations.
Interested in sponsoring? Contact Tracy Sternberg.
Please Note: If your company is an NC-headquartered tech company and is not presently a member of NC TECH, we invite you to consider joining and having your CEO attend the reception. If your organization does not presently have a seat on the NC TECH Board of Advisors, consider adding that enhanced option to your membership and sending your designated Advisor to the reception. Contact Michelle Calton to inquire about either of these.
For more informaiton about this reception, please reach out to Alex Taylor.