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Government Vendor Network

April 24, 2019

The Government Vendor Network is a forum for member companies who have an interest in doing business with state government.

Featured Speaker

jim parker

Jim Parker - SVP + CIO, NC Community College System

Date and Time

Wednesday, April 24
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm


NC Innovation Center
Training Room
217 W. Jones Street
Raleigh, NC  27603

Map & Directions



From the north: Take U.S. I South and follow the Capital Boulevard (Downtown) designation. Turn left onto Jones Street and go three blocks. The museum is on the right. From the Raleigh-Durham International Airport, take Glenwood Avenue (U.S. 70) into downtown. Turn left onto Jones Street.

From the east Take U.S. 64 West to New Bern Avenue (which changes to Edenton Street). The museum is on the right. From I-40, take Exit 299 (Person Street). Proceed north for two miles. Turn left onto Edenton Street. Go two blocks. The museum is on the right. From U.S. 70 East, take I-40 to Exit 299 (Person Street), and turn left onto Edenton Street.

From the west From I-40 East, take Exit 289 (Wade Avenue) to Capital Boulevard. Continue on Capital Boulevard and turn left onto Jones Street. Go three blocks. The museum is on the right.

From the south: From U.S. 64 East or U.S. 1 North, take Western Boulevard. Turn left onto Wilmington Street. Cross Edenton Street. The museum is on the left 

Registration Coming Soon

Attendance is open to NC TECH members at no cost, but registration is required.





Interested in membership? Contact Carol Zimmerman to learn more about membership and join today! To see if your company is a member, view the NC TECH Membership Directory.

Meeting Sponsor